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Declaration on Open Access in Southern Europe

Alabra Decl
A Declaration on Open Access in Southern Europe was signed during a seminar organized by the Spanish Organization on Research and Technology (FECYT) in the frame of the Spanish Presidency of the EU in Granada, Spain, on May 12-14th. Some of the main points of the Declaration are the development of common policies for Open Access in Southern Europe, the development of national task forces, and initiatives to promote Open Access among all stakeholders. Delegations from Greece, Turkey, Italy, France and Portugal took part in the seminar. Each delegation comprised stakeholders in Open Access, such as policy and funding agencies, publishers, libraries, researchers etc. The National Documentation Centre coordinated the Greek delegation.

Aiming at contributing towards the development of concerted Open Access policies in the countries of South Europe the seminar covered topics such as significant current issues that influence Open Access, the requirements of stakeholders in Open Access, current policies, obstacles to Open Access, and others. The 2009 National Reports on Open Access in the countries of Southern Europe, sponsored by the South Europe Libraries Link, were presented during the seminar.

The participants agreed on a Declaration on Open Access, the Alhambra declaration. The Declaration includes recommendations on the development of policies on Open Access in Southern Europe, and an Action Plan to develop Open Access that includes activities relating to the dissemination of the Declaration and the National Open Access reports, the formation of national task forces and National plans on Open Access and resuming specific initiatives with respect to Open Access.

The Alhambra Declaration includes specific recommendations on the following issues:
1. Implementing policies for fostering Open Access to scientific information
2. Enhancing Advocacy initiatives to promote Open Access among researchers, policy makers, etc.
3. Building sustainable business models for publishing
4. Assuring quality of Open Access publications
5. Fostering repositories.

Links: Spanish Organization for Research and Technology
The Alhambra Declaration on Open Access
Granada's Seminar on Open Access
Southern Europe Open Access National reports