Welcome to openaccess.gr , an online platform providing updated and comprehensive information on:
- Open access issues and latest trends,
- Open access infrastructure currently being developed by the National Documentation Centre (ΕΚΤ).
Through our website you can discuss open access issues, use our tools and applications and participate in the innovative open access infrastructures.
We wish you a pleasant visit!
The National Documentation Centre of Greece (EKT) launched a new portal
which provides open access to scholarly eJournals, eBooks and
eProceedings, as well as a range of integrated publishing services to
the country's academic community. Covering an array of scientific
fields, EKT ePublishing today hosts 10 peer-reviewed academic eJournals
(more than 2000 thousands of open access articles), plenty of eBooks and
A valuable resource of scientific knowledge, the National Archive of Greek PhD theses, is now accessible at www.didaktorika.gr.
The portal’s new edition encompasses advanced functions for navigating
and searching through several thousands of PhD theses and provides a
series of additional services to registered users. The portal hosts the
National Archive of PhD theses (EADD), which provides access to the PhD
theses from all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Greece as well
as PhD theses awarded to Greek scholars by foreign HEIs and certified by
the Hellenic NARIC.